Polisch singer Margerita Renz had already been a star in Polandn long before the fall of the iron curtain. Now living in Berlin (Germany), she decidede to record traditional christmas songs from her polish home country, together with German pianist Stefan graser, who occasionally added a slight touch of jazz into this traditional material
- Triumphe
- Hirten zogen mit Gesang
- Am Christbaum
- Einsamkeit hüllet
- Im kalten Ställchen
- In der Krippe
- Weihnachtsglöckchen
- Was mit diesem Kindlein
- Jesus, kleiner Knabe
- Lasst uns alle ziehn
- Lasst uns alle ziehn
- Luleise Jesulein
- In Bethlehem heut
- An dem Tag
- Jesuskindlein schlaf
- Gloria
- In stiller Mitternacht